A Trader Journal

Change yourself, change your trading.

Countdown Breathing

I like this exercise better than Square breathing. Following are the steps from my reading notes:

Countdown Breathing:
  1. Close your eyes. Note the level of tension you are feeling. Then take one Calming Breath
  2. Then place one hand on abdomen right beneath the rib cage. Inhale slowly and deeply through nose into the bottom of the lungs - in other words, send air as low down as you can. If you are breathing from your diaphragm, your hand should actually rise. Your chest should move only slightly while your abdomen expands. 
  3. Pause for a moment when you've taken a full breath.
  4. Then exhale slowly through your nose. Be sure to exhale fully. As you exhale, allow your whole body to just let go (like visualizing your arms, legs going loose and limp like a rag doll). Breathing should be smooth and regular, without gulping in a big breath or letting breath out all at once.
  5. Count from ten down to one counting backwards with one number after each exhalation. Some might prefer to count forward. Others instead of counting might prefer to see the number in mind's eye. Any way, the process should go like this
               Slow inhale...........Pause.............Slow exhale   ("Ten")
               Slow inhale...........Pause.............Slow exhale   ("Nine") 
               Slow inhale...........Pause.............Slow exhale   ("Eight") 

Extend the exercise by doing this 2-3 sets. Or take a short break and do this several times a day. 

Additional Notes:
  • (Optional) When you reach number one, keep your eyes closed and think to yourself, I am CALM on the inhale and RELAXED on the exhale. Let mind grow still as you think calm and relaxed over and over with each breath. With time and enough practice, just saying word RELAX itself will bring on a mild state of relaxation.
  • Let go of thoughts by imagining putting them in a bubble or balloon and seeing them drift away.


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