A Trader Journal

Change yourself, change your trading.

WallStreetCurrents - Behavioral & Psychology currents addition

My primary source of information for trading markets is WallStreetCurrents. Often people gloss over but I think streamlining and being efficient in keeping track of markets, gathering and digesting relevant information will go a long way in helping one's trading. Given this is a daily activity, any efficiency gains here would quick multiply.

It doesn't matter whether one uses  WallStreetCurrents or some other site that resonates more with you. Key is filtering noise, being efficient and being structured in gathering data and doing analysis.  Coming back to topic of this post, WallStreetCurrents has a new addition.

Please see under "home" tab of the site. This addition track insights and analysis on trading Psychology i.e., Social/Crowd Psychology, Behavioral Economics/Finance etc. No matter which trading methodology one uses, the human is the common factor. So keeping tabs on psychology would be quite useful.

Following are some of the Psychology related posts picked by  WallStreetCurrents from various sources for today:
  • Impaired Decision-Making Found Among Hoarders
  • The Incubation Effect: How to Break Through a Mental Block 
  • Unrealistic Optimism and the Impoverished Investor 
  • Making Better Decisions with the Right Inputs
  • Why men (yes, men) are better multi-taskers 
Please let me know any blogs you visit regularly and would be useful for other readers. Also please share the site/blog if it is useful to you. Wish you all good health and good trading!
"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." ~ Confucius


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