As most readers of this blog know, Wall Street Currents site is my primary source of information to get a pulse on markets and for new ideas, view points & techniques to investigate. Over last week there were multiple changes to WSC site.
The changes were primarily in the following 3 areas of the site:
- Front Page - Front page now includes articles from "Futures Magazine" and "Resource Investor" magazine. The latter is focused more on commodity side. You can find these under the left most column of front page. Few exclusions from the "Institutional Research" section.
- Market Timing Page - Notable are the changes in the right column. Real estate on any web page is a precious commodity. So though I want, I cannot allocate dedicated space for all blogs. If you feel strongly any particular blog requires its own space in right column over what we have now, then please let me know. Otherwise, I think the page now provides a good balance in providing new techniques/ideas, analysis and view points.
- Quant Currents Page - This page has several exclusions and few inclusions. I notice typically 4 types of quant blogs - (a) blogs that provide interesting ideas, (b) blogs that follow quant herd i.e., running with whatever idea that is popular currently and add couple extra view points, (c) blogs that are too theoretical and (d) blogs that focus on quantity instead of quality. So most of the exclusions and inclusions are towards making the page concentrate on (a) and (b) category blogs. I am not yet done fully with pruning on this page. Now no process is perfect. So please feel free to suggest any changes.
Mobile Tip:
If you are watching WSC site from a mobile (iPhone/iPad etc), double tapping with your finger on any box in WSC pages will cause the display to zoom in and fill the entire screen with that box for easier reading. If you double tap again, the display zooms out to show the entire page on the screen again.
Following are some interesting articles, strategies and an infographic I came across since last digest.
How to Pairs Trade - This is a simple and interesting strategy to do pair trading. I don't do pair trading. If you are into it then probably you might know this strategy already. It is a short article. Gist of the strategy is, take the ratio of the pair and apply RSI on it. Then use RSI oversold & overbought conditions to trade the pair accordingly. Rest of details in the article.
How to Play It Safe—and Enjoy a 5.5% Yield - Former Wall Street economist Charles Lieberman explains how his equity-based strategies have provided investors with high income.
Technical Indicators: A Statistical Approach
- The core idea of this article is to apply statistical concepts (think
z-scores) to technical indicators for making them robust. Then you plot
the z-scores just like the technical indicators. Interesting idea to
Are Cover Stories Effective Contrarian Indicators? - I have not read the paper but the title and abstract sounds interesting and useful.
Is Your Fund Manager Active Enough? - Barron's cover story for last week. A measure called "active share" tries to differentiate active managers from closet indexers.
Negatively Skewed Trading Strategies - Many of the trading strategies—statistical arbitrage, convergence trades, risk arbitrage—that hedge funds employ are negatively skewed strategies. Here is an example. A trader tracks over time the credit spreads of a large set of bonds. When a bond’s spread widens, the trader buys the bond. He waits for the spread to return to its historical levels, sells the bond, and pockets a profit. It works like a charm, except occasionally the spread continues to widen, and the trader is left holding a distressed bond.
Correlation based Asset Allocation - The strategy is fairly simple i.e., use correlation between stocks and bonds to determine Risk On - Risk Of mode and then invest in equities or bonds depending on the regime. Then this method is applied on a multi-asset portfolio. For timing, the article applies moving averages on correlation and looks for a cross. Another notable is the article claims this approach has low correlation with standard MA systems. Lots of stats and simple to implement. Short on time, so I didn't try to verify it myself.
CBA - Quick test drive - This is a variant of the above study done by another blogger. Good one.
Renaissance Capital 2012 US IPO Review - Total 10 pages with stats. Provides good overview of IPO activity in 2012.
CES 2013 - A Window into the coming years technology trends - CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is a huge show with lot of threads. This article captures some of the trends this year at the show.
Glass that bends the rules of manufacturing - Corning developed a thin, flexible glass, but the real breakthrough was figuring out how to mass-produce it.
6 trends that will drive electric vehicle adoption in 2013
- Title self explanatory.
Data deduplication technology today and tomorrow - Pretty geeky but an important technology in storage space.
What 10 things should you do every day to improve your life? - Good Article.
Last few weeks were quite busy with various activities and journal publishing was less frequent. Next several weeks will be similar with higher priority activities taking up the time. So my current plan is to publish ATJ Digest weekly and optionally publish one post/study during the week.
The current digest articles fall into 3 broad categories - Trading, Technology and Wellness. Trading section has couple strategy papers and articles. Typically the approach I pursue is to get the core ideas and see if I can enhance/modify to integrate them into my existing methods.
For example, one question I like to investigate is how about using ORB (1st article) on a Weekly/Monthly chart instead of intraday? Similarly another question to investigate is how about combining ideas - Liquidity (article 2) and ETF short selling (article 4)? Similarly I find some of the ideas under technology and wellness sections compliment well with ideas under trading section. Now most ideas don't pan out for me. On other hand, I am quite happy if I can learn and put to use just 1-3 good techniques/ideas per year either in trading or in self development.
Opening range breakout: Past, present and future - The core idea of opening range breakout (ORB) is buying at a given level off of the market open and selling at a given level below. Often the variations in ORB strategies are related to difference in stretch calculations or in price patterns over past 1-7 days. The article discusses in more detail the patterns, code and performance of ORB and likely reasons for lower performance in recent years. On the whole a good article and provides some ideas.
Internet & Personal Computing Trends - This presentation was done last month. Lots of stats and charts like internet user trends, tablets usage, mobile trends, trends in personal computing transformations etc. The link is to a slide deck.
Why Does ETF Short Selling Provide a Different Signal?
- The paper claims that in contrast to regular stocks, ETFs with high
short interest experience positive abnormal returns. The reason being
the creation and redemption of ETF shares influences the level of short
selling. The paper also finds that foreign stock ETFs with low short
interest have positive abnormal returns. These abnormal returns are
typically caused by higher prices in foreign stock markets and not
exchange rate changes. I have not read the paper fully but found the
idea interesting. Like prior article, felt may be investigating the idea
could be worthwhile.
Liquidity-Driven Dynamic Asset Allocation - I
have not read the paper fully but found the idea interesting. The paper proposes a model of portfolio selection that adjusts an investors’ portfolio allocation in accordance with changing market liquidity environments and market conditions. The paper claims that market liquidity provides a useful “leading indicator” in dynamic asset allocation. Specifically, market liquidity risk premium cycles anticipate economic and market cycles. Investors can therefore act to avoid markets with low liquidity premiums, waiting to extract liquidity risk premiums when the likelihood of extracting a liquidity premium improves. The result, meaningfully enhanced portfolio performance through economic and market cycles, and is robust to transactions costs and alternate specifications.
Technology & Innovation
Leaping Into the Gesture-Control Era - Technology that accurately tracks finger motions could revolutionize desktop and mobile computing.
In Eye Control, A Promise To Let Your Tablet Go Hands-Free - Forget touch screens and voice recognition — what if you could control your computer just by looking at it? Gaze-based interaction has been around for 20 years, used mainly by people with disabilities. But the technology could be available to the masses soon, allowing users to move a cursor with their eyes, or turn the pages of an e-book without lifting a finger. In Denmark, an eye-control research group has just turned itself into a business, hoping to be part of the next wave of usability.
Startup Uses Big Data To Cut Energy Usage - Stem's (a startup in California) hybrid energy system combines predictive analytic, battery storage and grid power to cut business' power bills.
Optical Camouflage Renders The Backseat Of A Car Transparent - The problem with the backseat--really with the whole rear of the car--is that it’s in your way when you’re trying to reverse. So researchers at Keio University in Japan have applied optical camouflage technology to automobiles, making the back seat appear transparent so the driver can see straight through it when backing up.
Two Advances Point Toward a Cheaper Electric-Car Battery - Electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids need cheaper, more energy-dense batteries to compete with conventional cars.
Hot data storage technologies for 2013 - Talks about six data storage technologies that will play pivotal roles in transforming data centers in 2013.
Wellness & General
Study: Online User Reviews Influence Us In Ways We Don't Even Realize - Early exposure to glowing reviews about a product or service tend to stick in our minds and shape our opinions--even when later reviews are overwhelmingly negative.
Getting A Handle On Why Fingers Wrinkle - (7 min audio). Why do your fingers get pruney after a long water bath? I thought it is due to water. It turns out it is not. The audio cast also has an interesting question at the end - Say if you are completely submerged in water except for one hand, would the fingers on that hand still Wrinkle?
The Fallacies Of Fat - (29 mins) Interesting audio cast.
Manage your energy, Not your time - The central thesis is that performance, health and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of energy. Beginning of the article has list of practices to renew four dimensions of our personal energy.
Wrap up
I appreciate your visit to the journal and for reading this digest. I hope the digest is informative, interesting and provided some ideas/actions to investigate further. Please feel free to let me know your suggestions/improvements. Also please feel free to suggest any articles/papers for the next digest.
Fail Forward! |
Wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year!!!
I plan to make couple of changes to the blog in 2013. One of them is publishing a digest of interesting studies and articles I come across. Now interesting is a subjective term. I don't read much articles related to current market analysis, views & timing as I am more comfortable doing my own analysis and timing. Instead I like to read papers & articles that are more oriented towards technique/process/innovation. The digest articles broadly fall into 3 areas I find interesting - Trading, Technology & Wellness.
Predicting the Present with Google trends - Published in 2011. Google Trends provides daily and weekly reports on the volume of queries related to various industries. The paper is about using this query data in various industries and predicting the subsequent data releases. I am not much into fundamentals but felt the topic interesting as it differs from traditional approaches and who knows may be useful as sentiment indicator?
Congress & The Stock Market - The paper (2006) finds a strong link between Congressional activity and stock market returns that persists even after controlling for known daily return anomalies. Stock returns are lower and volatility is higher when Congress is in session. This "Congressional Effect" can be quite large - more than 90% of the capital gains over the life of the DJIA have come on days when Congress is out of session.
Congressional Calendar & Stock Market Performance - This paper was published in 1998. One good thing with old papers like this is availability of out of sample data (i.e., last 14 years) to validate paper theories. I have not yet done but if any readers do the test, I appreciate if you can drop me a mail. This study reports on the existence of a curious calendar effect--a relationship between stock market performance and the schedule of the U.S. Congress. Almost the entire advance in the market since 1897 corresponds to the periods when Congress is in recess. This is an impressive result, given that Congress is in recess about half as long as in session. Furthermore, average daily returns when Congress is not meeting are almost thirteen times greater than when Congress is in session.
For Day Traders - The most Liquid ETF of Every Commodity - Provides most liquid ETF for each commodity.
Lie Detection 101 for Financial Analysts - Interesting topic. Has some tips on how to detect lies. Ok article.
Fund Management: An Emotional and Financial Perspective - A very long paper (117 pages). More like a book. I like to read it though because the topic is - What is it really like to be a money manager on a day-in, day-out basis? What emotions play a critical role and under what circumstances? Are the performance successes and debacles more emotionally charged than cognitively driven? What is beneath the surface?
Technology & Innovation
What does space smell like? - Can you guess?
Paraplegics walk again with bionic exoskeleton ReWalk - Self explanatory title. ReWalk is a start up company.
This $5 lamp is powered by gravity - It may sound like an impossible dream, but two designers in London have built functioning prototypes of GravityLight, a cheap way for people in developing countries t0 light homes, recharge batteries, or power a radio.
Cadaver Stem cells offer new hope of life after death - Dead bodies can provide organs for transplants, now they might become a source of stem cells too.
Cloud-Powered GPS Chip Slashes Smartphone Power Consumption - A Microsoft Research project offloads data and calculations to save battery life.
Flutter Adds Gestural Controls to Netflix, YouTube, and More - Flutter, a startup offering free software that allows you to control music and videos on a computer with simple hand gestures, is adding to its repertoire of gestural tricks. The San Francisco-based company is rolling out the ability technology can control content on the Web, too.
How MiGym plans to quantify the health club workout - Chicago app developer MiGym is giving health clubs an app store presence, but it has bigger plans. It hopes to make the gym a critical element in the quantified self, tracking members’ workout data and sharing that information with fitness and health platforms.
Human Body: 18 Amazing Facts - Did you know our bones are four times stronger than concrete? Few other interesting stuff in adjacent infographic.
Wrist Sensor Tells You How Stressed Out You Are - Amid rising concerns over post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental illnesses, two MIT startups are developing wrist-worn sensors that can detect physiological changes—including perspiration and elevated temperature—that may signal the onset of events like anxiety attacks.
Exercise and the Ever-Smarter Human Brain - Anyone whose resolve to exercise in 2013 is a bit shaky might want to consider an emerging scientific view of human evolution. It suggests that we are clever today in part because a million years ago, we could outrun and outwalk most other mammals over long distances. Our brains were shaped and sharpened by movement, the idea goes, and we continue to require regular physical activity in order for our brains to function optimally.
What You Think You Know (but Don’t) About Wise Eating - Self explanatory.
I hope readers found the above digest interesting and informative. I welcome readers to forward any papers/articles that they found useful and similar to above for inclusion in future digests. The referrer link will be included along with link to the article/paper in the digest.